Show HN: UpTrain – Open-source ML observability and refinement tool

Show HN: UpTrain – Open-source ML observability and refinement tool A couple of months ago, we left our jobs to build UpTrain AI, an open-source machine learning observability and refinement tool which helps users understand the performance of their models in production and improves them over time by identifying problematic data-points for retraining. Data drift, Distribution shifts, Model degradation, Edge cases - we have personally faced these problems in our previous organizations and have built a lot of tooling to solve them. We are building UpTrain so that others don’t need to build them and can solely focus on improving their ML models while we abstract away all the engineering complexities. You can get UpTrain for free by checking it out on GitHub ( - available under Apache 2.0 license). We're not trying to make money off individual developers, but we do have some enterprise features, a hosted version, and support that we charge for. Give it a try and let us know what you think! January 25, 2023 at 07:03AM


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